Crazy-accurate Lego Stop-Motion Starcraft Homage Must Have Taken For-ev-er

As a wannabe artist myself, I find myself facing yet another daunting example of how I simply do not have the patience to create anything impressive.  Clocking in at 4.5 minutes, this video, which recreates a short Starcraft match, probably took around 7000 images and 3 or 4 weeks to complete.  Any project of mine that takes more than a couple of days usually ends up an unfinished paperweight.  When people come over I have to be like, “Yea, this is a little something I made for father’s day when I was 4.  Cute, right?”  In reality, it was something I was really excited about doing last month. But when I found out there was going to be actual work involved, that exuberance quickly turned into roaring declaration of “FUNK DAT!”

Anywho, kudos to this guy. << youtube

Time to Buy a new Computer – Starcraft II ads All Over TV

Who’s ready for some 2 v 2 bgh n00bs only no rush!1@!@!@!!@!? Bring that shit on cuz you know I’m rushing you hardcore and your teammate over there? Yea, he’s my buddy and he’s on the phone with me right now.  On the secondary line so we don’t interrupt the dial up.  We got this shit down to a science!

If you1. don’t identify with any of the above nostalgia and 2. have been wondering why I’m building a FleshLight kiosk outside my local GameStop, it’s because Starcraft II is FINALLY launching tomorrow.  10 years after the release of the original Blizzard hit (aren’t they all hits?), we found out that a sequel was in the works. Then, after 2 years of “It’ll be ready when it’s GODDAMN GOOD AND READY!! *click*” that day is finally upon us. Check out the 2 minute extended trailer:

Now change your shorts, grab some red bull, and get in line for the midnight launch. These FleshLights aren’t going to buy themselves!

Economics Lesson of the Day: Complements

Ham, cheese. Burgers, buns. Some things are just made to be used together.

Hit the jump for the big reveal on what people who actually pull the trigger on a FleshLight (we’ve all thought about it) also check out with.

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